
Monthly Summary - July, 2022

Menu in July:

RSS3 Technical Update

  • PreGod v1.0.0
  • Major Upgrade
  • RSS3 PreGod v1.1.0 now

RSS3 Community and Adoption Update

  1. Partnership
  • The Feed from zkSync is now on RSS3
  • Dtools supports RSS3 Feed
  • Next.ID is joining the RSS3 ecosystem
  • Piro: Follow your friends on Web3
  1. Giveaway


  3. RSS3 Quiz Day

  4. Usagi was in Japan with you this month

  5. Follow RSS3 on TikTok now!

RSS3 Technical Update

PreGod v1.0.0

RSS3 PreGod v1.0.0 is officially in production from 8th July. Here is a quick look at this update:

  1. Support 8 networks with various popular platforms such as Lens (and every dApp deployed on Lens Protocol).
  2. Support 6 curated tags and child types for granularity.

More details: Major Upgrade

Yeah, what you read on the poster are the Features upgraded: Watch, Manage and Reader. And the use of these features does not require a wallet connection, and all actions performed do not interact with a blockchain.

If you click on and start using it, you will see that the page has increased functionality and the original features have been updated somewhat. Don't hesitate to try it now!

More details:

RSS3 PreGod v1.1.0 now

PreGod v1.0.0 was released 20 days ago, and the last week in July, we shipped v1.1.0. If you've heard of Unified Metadata Schemas(UMS), then you should be in an excited mood for this update. And what else:

  • Spam Handling
  • Platform Endpoint
  • Performance Enhancements

Developers are encouraged to migrate to v1.1.0 at the earliest convenience.

RSS3 Community and Adoption Update


4EVERLAND now support RSS3

This month, our first partnership announcement is 4EVERLAND. 4EVERLAND is a Web 3.0 cloud computing platform that integrates storage, computing, and network core capabilities. By integrating with 4EVALAND as their IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) provider, RSS3 can create an ecosystem that embodies ideologies of transparency, decentralization, and modularity.

More details:

The Feed from zkSync is now on RSS3

zkSync is an open-source Layer-2 blockchain that eliminates Ethereum's costly gas fees, scaling constraints, and performance barriers using zero-knowledge proofs. This isn't the first time we've supported layer2's blockchain, but we're still very excited to announce this partnership. Not only because RSS3 offers zkSnyc developers and users a richer and more diverse selection of pages, but also because zkSnyc offers a faster, better and cheaper option for the developers of the RSS3 ecosystem!

More details:

Dtools supports RSS3 Feed

You can find the RSS3 feed page on Dtools. Dtools is the next generation of Web3 tools. You could check someone's social info and tx record on-chain here. This partnership provides users with more features and options on the product page.

Also, there was an awards quiz event for our community:

Next.ID is joining the RSS3 ecosystem

Next.ID is the world's first Decentralized-Identity-as-a-Service (DIaaS). In exploring the web3 world, RSS3 is in many cases, the best choice for projects or platforms due to its high degree of modularity and speed.
We are looking forward to more integration of the technology in our ecosystem!

Piro: Follow your friends on Web3

Don't forget to try your Piro on TestFlight now! Piro is a one-stop dApp with widgets to follow your Web3 friends' activities, presenting all your friends' Web3 activities in a concise & human-readable manner.

More details:


We had several Giveaways this July! I hope you can get some awards from these events. Let's recap our events in July.

Check here if you are the winner:


Do you remember your account?

Yeah, The CAPSULES ARE BACK. If you want to leave some words to yourself in the future, you should try it now.

More details:

RSS3 Quiz Day

Ten questions for you. Please note that these ten questions are not easy. Only 30% of the respondents got all the questions right. Five winners were randomly selected at the end. Check here if you are the final winner!

More details:

Usagi was in Japan with you this month

Usagi, the co-founder of RSS3, had a panel about Web 3: The Decentralized Society Event on IVS_Official. I hope you didn't miss this event.

Follow RSS3 now!

Check RSS3 on CoinGecko:

We always welcome different players into the RSS3 ecosystem:

  • If you are a developer, you should have pretty good confidence in the progress of our technical updates. Our technical team welcomes all kinds of technical feedback and talk, so if you have more ideas and suggestions, please don't hesitate to send an email to [email protected]
  • If you are working on a Web3 project or platform and would like to use the RSS3 protocol to provide users with richer social or other information pages or other collaborations, please don't hesitate to send an email to [email protected]
  • If you are a user, feel free to end up on our social accounts and join our community for more news!

💪 This is our July. Happy BUIDLing!

See you in August ❤️
